In this book, you should have learned a great deal about how you can
apply the traditional sales funnel idea to online marketing, whilst you
have also seen how you can apply this model on both a longer term and
on a ‘compressed’ basis as well.
As suggested in the earlier chapters, the objective when creating an
effective and efficient sales funnel is to try to keep as many prospects
and customers inside your sales funnel as possible.
Every prospect that you bring in at the top of that funnel is going to
cost you a great deal of money one way or another. Thus, you must
reduce the amount of both prospects and customers who ‘escape’ your
business before you have had a chance to maximize your returns from
And don’t forget that creating an effective and ultimately profitable
sales funnel is something that you only have to do once. Yes, there is
some work involved in testing various landing page formats one against
the other and because you need different e-mail messages for all of the
different ‘levels’ of your funnel, there is some work to be done creating
those outgoing messages as well.
But once it is done, you need do no more than finesse, test and improve
various aspects of your system, confident in the knowledge that it is
already working extremely well in any event.
However much knowledge of the sales funnels concept you had when
you began reading, I trust that you have now advanced your knowledge
about both the theoretical and practical aspects of using sales funnels
for maximum profits in your own business.
Simply by setting up your initial sales system as detailed in the previous
chapter, you will increase the number of people you convert from
prospects into customers. Moreover, each of those customers will
become increasingly more profitable as you feed them down your sales
funnel too.
You have all the practical knowledge that you need in order to improve
the profitability of your business right here in front of you.
Now is as good a time as any to start putting it into action.